a teeny blurb about me

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I am a 32 year old first time mom who is continually shocked at how much those baby books and doulas and midwives don't tell you about having and raising kids...let me tell you, it's a lot!


What did he say?

The Monkey has been baby babbling for quite some time. Lately, it has taken on a much more conversational tone. He will wake up at some ungodly hour of the morning and lay in his crib, contentedly talking to his small stuffed Curious George, sometimes for almost an hour. I listen to him from our room and I can't help but be amazed. I mean, these are lengthy discussions they have, and sometimes they really get quite heated. Just the other day it was sounding pretty intense, and Monkey was shouting at George. I peeked in and he was waving his arms like an angry bird (should I insert a registered trademark here or something?) and yelling at George, who he had apparently thrown to the other end of the crib. I am not totally certain, but from what I could piece together, Monkey is in favor of gay rights and same sex marriage, and Curious George thinks it's wrong (he's pretty old fashioned). They were able to talk it over peacefully until George uttered a homophobic sentiment, and it came to blows. They made up and are friends again, because real friends can love each other even when they disagree.

I am so proud of my little mister.

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