My child is fearless. I know lots of parents say that about their kids, like "Oh little Suzy, she's fearless, she'll eat anything!"
Ha, I say to them. Ha. Ha.
My child will take off at a dead run toward the ocean. And without clothes on, much less life-saving flotation devices.
My child will climb to the top of furniture that is 4 feet off the ground, shake his booty, and clap his hands.
My child will crawl to the top of a flight of stairs and then turn around, stick out his foot, and try to walk down them, without holding on to anything.
My child is not afraid of strangers (this is problematic), bugs (this is gross), or fire (this is just terrifying).
My child freaks me out on a regular basis. He is afraid of nothing, and it makes me afraid of everything! I need him to be hesitant. I need him to be reasonably cautious. I need him to have just a little bit of healthy, rational fear in his heart. Just a little! Just enough to keep him from imminent danger.
But he doesn't.
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