a teeny blurb about me

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I am a 32 year old first time mom who is continually shocked at how much those baby books and doulas and midwives don't tell you about having and raising kids...let me tell you, it's a lot!


Hi Mom. Bye Mom.

We went on our 'honeymoon' this weekend, and for the past three days Monkey Man was staying with our good friends, the Fillmores. For those of you who haven't kept up with our bourgeoning social life in Columbia, the Fillmores are our friends who have two kids, ages 4 and 2, who Owen loves to play with as often as possible. The mom, Melody, is pregnant with their latest bambino (A GIRL!), but even in her delicate state, offered to keep my little monster for a few days so Aron and I could have a little tiny honeymoon, since we didn't get one when we got married. She's brave...

So O went there on Sunday morning, and we picked him up Tuesday afternoon. Melody said he was great, didn't get super cranky with her much at all, slept great, ate well, and played happily with the boys.

This, in and of itself, is only newsworthy because he is getting his 15 month molars, and has been a downright disaster for the few days before we left. Crying all the time, clinging, freaking out and throwing his first temper tantrums, not eating well, not sleeping well, and having serious separation anxiety...it's no wonder we were anxious to leave town! But no, for Mel he was practically an angel. Which, you know, is great. For Mel. (ahem)

So I thought surely he would have missed me, even with all the excitement of playing with kids and running around outside and discovering the true joy of a sandbox. I thought surely he would be very happy to see me when I got there, and would run to me, and smile and drool, and get all wiggly.

He didn't do those things.

He casually strolled up to me, smiling through his paci, and then promptly walked back toward Melody. Hi Mom. Bye Mom.

Little stinker.

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