a teeny blurb about me

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I am a 32 year old first time mom who is continually shocked at how much those baby books and doulas and midwives don't tell you about having and raising kids...let me tell you, it's a lot!


A whole week with no kisses...

I got a cold sore. Ugh, they are the bane of my existence. They feel tender, then they swell and they feel awkward and tender. Then they burst and they sting like crazy for days and days, and it hurts to brush my teeth or eat a sandwich or sing an aria. Ok, well I don't do much of the singing thing anyway, but what if I wanted to?! It would hurt... Not to mention the fact that I look like a freak with this giant fleshy wound on my face. I look like I have cooties, which I do. And it sucks.

But that's not even the worst of it.

The worst part, the absolute evilest part, is that I can't give O any kisses. Yeah, just try and imagine THAT for a second. I probably kiss him a hundred times a day. I give him smooches on his chubby cheeks when he wakes up from naps. I blow raspberries on his tummy when we play on the floor. I kiss the back of his neck when I put him in the bathtub. I kiss the top of his head when he eats his snack or drinks his juice in my lap. I give a little mommy peck on his ouchies when he bang his fingers or smooshes his foot. I am forever giving him kisses! He loves it, I love it, it's great.

Well now I can't. God forbid I give my son cold sore herpes! Double trouble horrible if he managed to get it on his pee winkie!!! Jesus, I would never forgive myself. So I can't kiss him for fear he'll rub he kissed spot and then his eye or his mouth or other, more sensitive parts! And he is always trying to stick his fingers in my mouth, so none of that, either. (I didn't really enjoy that anyway...his tiny fingernails always slice my gums. Youch.)

It's awful, and I hate it. I want my smoochie baby back, damnit!

Oh yeah, and I also can't kiss Aron :( What did I do to deserve this?!? {sigh}

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