a teeny blurb about me

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I am a 32 year old first time mom who is continually shocked at how much those baby books and doulas and midwives don't tell you about having and raising kids...let me tell you, it's a lot!



We have been letting Monkey play with spoons while he's eating for a long time. I figured it would a.) keep him occupied enough to minimize the amount of food he threw on the floor or rubbed in his hair thus maximizing the amount of food going into his tummy, b.) be good practice for figuring out how to hold a spoon and feed himself eventually, and c.) not poke him in the eye the way, say, a knife would.

Yesterday, for like the very first time ever, I put some food on his spoon HE was holding, and gently moved his hand/spoon to his mouth, and he took a bite. He thought this was hilarious so we did it a few more times. I thought to myself "Here I go, really paving the way for eventual self-feeding! Yay me!" I was feeling pretty proud of myself for risking food being flung onto the walls, and pretty proud of him for doing such a good job of eating it and not catapulting it.

This morning, in a sleep-deprived haze, I gave him his spoon, got my spoon, started feeding him yogurt, and let him stick his spoon in the yogurt, fervently hoping it would end well but too tired to really care much. What did he do with that spoon tipped with strawberry yogurt? How did he handle it?

He ate it.

That's right, folks. He put the spoon IN HIS MOUTH and ate the little smidge of yogurt that was attached to it from his feeble attempt to scoop.

I cheered! I clapped! I giggled and made the happiest Mom face ever!! And then guess what...


I love my kid.

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